Nitinol FAQ

Need to know about Nitinol? You're in the right place!

Here are the generalized properties of Nitinol alloy:

Shape memory Nitinol has three main phases; Twined Martensite, De-twinned Martensite, and Austenite phases. The Image below shows at what atomic phases the Nitinol is in during heating and cooling cycles. For how this relates to Delta Robotics ThermoFlex actuators:

  • During a contraction i.e. shortening of the actuator we are in a De-twinned Martensite phase to Austenite transition (left side of graph)

  • During it's cooling cycle where power is off and the muscle is left to dissipate heat it is in a Austenite to Twinned Martensite phase (right side of graph).

  • During load where the actuator is under stress and be deformed i.e. being stretch out by a water jug and pulled it is going from Twinned to De-twinned Martensite (bottom of image)

NiTiNOL (Nickel-Titanium alloy) exhibits different crystal lattice structures depending on its phase:

Due to the Nature of Nitinol is has a hysteretic curve for temperature vs strain/transformation. Below is a image of this curve with Austenite start (As), Austenite finish (Af), Martensite start (Ms), and Martensite finish (Mf) phases listed.

While the Nitinol we currently use at Delta is a 90 Degree Celsius Activation Temperature Nitinol alloy we can have Nitinol's activation temperature, otherwise known as Austenite finish (Af), change based on the Ratio of Nickel to Titanium. The greater percentage that Nickel takes up in the alloy content the lower the activation temperature is. Below is a graph of this relationship.

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